All my projects in chronological order.

Check them out on my GitHub profile and see the best pinned projects.

- 2024 -

x86 64-bit Assembly Raycaster

asm_raycaster Raycasting renderer made fully in x86 Assembly without the standard library on x64 Windows.

It’s a partial implementation of Lode Vandevenne’s Raycasting Tutorial.

The goal of this project was to learn more about x86 Assembly, low-level optimization tricks and really basic SIMD.

WS2812B Pico Display

ws2812b_display 16x16 WS2812B matrix display controlled via Wi-Fi TCP socket with a Raspberry Pi Pico W.

It’s both a usable decoration for my room and a project to learn more about embedded-specific things (lwip TCP networking, flash memory, timers, etc.)

Resurrecting an RC Car

resurrected_rc A fun idea I got after my dad had found my old (10+ years old) RC car. Turns out that making an RC car almost from scratch is not that hard…

Pico Game Console 2

pico_game_console2 A much-improved version of the previous generation game console, now with a custom PCB. Still powered with Raspberry Pi Pico!


gemino Designed to be a high-performance GPU-driven rendering framework with real-world applications in mind (e.g. games).

It’s also my passion project for learning and experimenting with new graphics programming concepts.

- 2023-

Pico Game Console

pico_game_console My game console powered by Raspberry Pi Pico and an ST7735 LCD display.

Rusticle Sim


Particle Life simulation made in Rust.

I made this project after I got inspired by this great video by Tom Mohr.


oxitrace OxiTrace is a raytracer I made with Rust and Ash (Vulkan API for Rust).

It’s basically a partial implementation of the amazing tutorial: Ray Tracing In One Weekend.

- 2022 -

Dice Fighter

dicefighter An entry for the GMTK Game Jam 2022. 1764th place in the “enjoyment” category, 2092nd place overall. I paired up with my friend for this project.

Eruption Engine

eruption_engine My first attempt at making a rendering engine using Vulkan as its graphical API. Ended up as a wannabe-game-engine which I spent a lot of time on.

- 2021 -

Just An Enginner

justanengineer An entry for the Bored Pixels Game Jam 8. 32nd place in the “immersion” category, 56th place overall.

Ball’s Journey: Into Space

ballsjourney My own mobile game I released on the Google Play store (it has been moved). The most polished and feature-complete game I’ve made so far.